viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Weekly progress report

Hello guys!

This is the last progress report before version 0.6 is ready, we are adding the last details and polishing some bugs old and new. It will be ready Tomorrow in the early morning or during Friday morning (Since I've got to work a lot during Thursdays)

As some of you know the main antagonist will be the mad scientist and she will be appearing in version 0.7 and we will be giving you more details and previews about her during September.
Now I'm going back to work in the last details.

Have a nice week


miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2018

Weekly progress report (+Preview)

We start this report with good news (at least for us) we reached our second goal, with the money we can hire people for occasional jobs when we need them. Since we are happy about it we wanted to share our first preview of the slime girl, our newest enemy that will appear in version 0.6.

Since we were speaking about the slime girl the results of our poll to determine what will she to to Kate determined that she and Kate will enjoy a 69. Our patreons will get to see her painted this Friday in all her sliminess.

About our second poll to determine Lust Vessel main antagonist the politician's duaghter has a small lead but there are 14 people left to vote so anything can happen. (Poll here).

And finally the part you were looking for, version 0.6 will be released next week, probably between Wednesday and next Friday since we want it to be less buggy than version 0.5 (we are still finding and eliminating new bugs in it), and that concludes our report for this week.

Have an awesome week!!

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2018

Version 0.5.2 Download

Finally, version 0.5. is available for you to download, this new version continues the plot where version 0.4 ended adding a new area and a big event which will be expanded in future versions. We will be adding new mirrors during the day.

PD: Version 0.5 had the starting location misplaced, so you start near the end of the game and you skipped half of the new content. We have version 0.5.1 to remediate this issue.
PD2: After some testing more bugs emerged, so there is a new fix.

Version 0.5.2
- You can't clip trough walls
- The sprites on the ending have been fixed
- Fixed small spelling mistakes.
Version 0.5.1
-Starting location has changed back to the start of the game.
Version 0.5
-Convention Center A added (New area)
-New Character (Myra)
-New naked sprites for Kate and Erika
-2 New enemies (one scene for both)
-New scene between Kate and Erika
-Improved combat system
-More items in old areas (for balance)

Download (windows)
Mega - Mediafire -

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Weekly progress report

It's time for a progress report, about the officers poll, the winner for the next enemy that will appear in version 0.6 is the slime girl, later today we will be posting a new poll for you to decide what will do the slime girl when she defeats Kate.

About our progress until version 0.6, we already have half of our big events and we are working on the medium ones, the preview from last Friday is ready and it's integrated to the game, this week Agrosan is working on the threesome , we will be posting a preview this Friday for our patreons, (Friday is our unofficial preview day), finally we think version 0.6 will be out in 2 weeks.

And that concludes our report.

Have a nice week!

miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Weekly progress report

Hello guys!
First let's talk about polls, the second poll to decide who will have sex with Kate on version 0.6 has closed, so the winner in this one is a threesome between Kate, Cheba and Peter. This will be the second new scene for this version (The first one is Kate and Bob) and yesterday we opened a new officers poll to decide who will be the new enemy in this version (vote here) the only thing that it's decided about this new enemy is that it will be some kind of slime.

About the development of version 0.6, we are starting to work faster than last week, things are getting back to normal for all of us, but version 0.6 is around 3 weeks away.  For this new version we are implementing some side quests not related to main quests like the ones that were included in previous versions, I hope you like them. Aside from that we will have some new tiles so the game will start looking a little bit more unique.


Weekly progress report

Hello guys!! Is time for our weekly progress report. We have lots of stuff for this week and we had lots of thing last week too, let's r...