miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Weekly progress report

Hello guys! as every Wednesday it's time to report about our progress, we don't have much to report this week, since we have been mostly progressing trough version 0.15. My usual meeting with Agrosan was delayed so we might have some surprises for the week, but for the time being I'll just talk about the stuff that already happened and no new stuff for the week.

But let's talk about Lust Vessel 0.15, during last week we had a poll for our officers, there is still time to vote, but at the moment the results are mostly ready, the poll was about the content of version 0.15, our latest versions are centered in one ending and version 0.15 is centered in Myra's girlfriend ending, but that would take 1 new scene + 1 ending image, and considering Erika's girlfriend ending came in second place we asked our officers if version 0.15 should include both endings or if only will contain Myra's ending + 2 couple scenes. At the moment version 0.15 will contain both versions. That was a very long to say the results of a poll, aside from that Agrosan is starting this version's second scene today ( I'm mostly sure).

For our trivia fact, Agrosan and I live 1.000 kms (621 miles)  apart, the only reason we ended up working together is because Agrosan and Ankyor (the guy who started the game with us) were cousins, that's why we have our weekly meetings.

Sorry for the boring report, but it's very likely we will surprise you with at least a preview or a poll during the week.

Have a nice day!


2 comentarios:

  1. (Mac version)
    Saving doesn't work, so literally any mistake I make I have to either reset or live with it for the rest of the run.
    Leaving the options menu crashes the game so I have to mute my computer to play it at all since I don't live alone and hate to draw attention.

    Have these problems been fixed in v0.14?

    You should update the Wallthrough to have a guide for the various routes. As it is, I don't know what to do for each route other than pray the situation comes up that I know the right choice to get the sex scenes I want.

    1. The Mac thing, is somethig related to where the game is located (so we can't make a patch for it), to be honest I don't know much about Mac, but after consulting with Mac ussers they said that most of rpg maker games have the same issue.
      The menu error it's the first time I've heard about it, maybe downloading it again will fix it.

      For the walkrthough I think it is up to date, but we have to think a way to make it easier to navigate


Weekly progress report

Hello guys!! Is time for our weekly progress report. We have lots of stuff for this week and we had lots of thing last week too, let's r...