miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

Weekly progress report

Hello guys! as every Wednesday it's time to report about our progress, we don't have much to report this week, since we have been mostly progressing trough version 0.15. My usual meeting with Agrosan was delayed so we might have some surprises for the week, but for the time being I'll just talk about the stuff that already happened and no new stuff for the week.

But let's talk about Lust Vessel 0.15, during last week we had a poll for our officers, there is still time to vote, but at the moment the results are mostly ready, the poll was about the content of version 0.15, our latest versions are centered in one ending and version 0.15 is centered in Myra's girlfriend ending, but that would take 1 new scene + 1 ending image, and considering Erika's girlfriend ending came in second place we asked our officers if version 0.15 should include both endings or if only will contain Myra's ending + 2 couple scenes. At the moment version 0.15 will contain both versions. That was a very long to say the results of a poll, aside from that Agrosan is starting this version's second scene today ( I'm mostly sure).

For our trivia fact, Agrosan and I live 1.000 kms (621 miles)  apart, the only reason we ended up working together is because Agrosan and Ankyor (the guy who started the game with us) were cousins, that's why we have our weekly meetings.

Sorry for the boring report, but it's very likely we will surprise you with at least a preview or a poll during the week.

Have a nice day!


miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

Weekly progress report

Hello guys! Time for our usual progress report, this will be an interesting week for all of our patrons, this week we will have content for each tier, this is surprising, but we hope that we can achieve this more often.

So, what are we going to do? For our tourist tier, we will have their release of Lust Vessel 0.14, for our crewmen, we had the release of version 0.14 and now Agrosan is updating the artbook (here). For our officers we will have a poll this week to decide how will we proceed with Lust Vessel 0.15, since the ending that we will be focusing is almost ready we have time for more stuff, maybe an ending or two scenes from another character, and finally for our first mates, we will have some previews for New body, new life in which we have the characters you asked for. After checking the popularity survey we weren't surprised by Selene being on second place, but we were surprised on how close she is now to Kate, they are only 10 votes apart (here) also Peter finally surpassed the 2 votes mark.

Now for our actual progress in Lust Vessel, Agrosan says that the scene we previewed yesterday (here) will be finished during the weekend, also we will be focusing on version 0.15 and we will start working on Lust Colony after that as you voted during the week (here). Aside from that we don't have many news on our progress on Lust Vessel or Lust Colony. On the other side NBNL will have a preview on it's own, since there are a lot of characters coming for the game.

So to continue with our trivia facts, trivia fact number 2: Our idea for Lust Vessel was mostly a mix of Melty's quest and Mass effect (Lucila is quite telling about the mass effect part), that's why we really wanted to add the option to change clothes on Lust Colony.
That was all for today!
Have a nice day!

miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2019

Weekly progress report

Now from this report onward we intent to give you some trivia facts about our games and how we work, the first one is that Bob's real name is Bobart since Ankyor (he started the project n patrons who are reading this New body, new life is now available for download (here), we also added it to our list of projects.

Now in relation to Lust Vessel's imminent version 0.14, the last scene will be ready today during the night, but I won't have much time to work tomorrow, so that's why we scheduled it for Friday-Saturday, aside from that we have some polls to decide our order of work for the next couple months, the idea is that after v0.15 we can start alternating between Lust Vessel and Lust Colony (here). Aside from that we will have a poll, considering the results of the poll to decide the next ending, at the moment Myra gf is wining and Erika gf is in second place, version 0.15 might contain both endings, but that's something you will decide.

Considering our focus on two games (NBNL doesn't count since I make it in my spare time) we intend to finish Lust Vessel this year, so we will focus on scenes that advance the story and some content for Slimy and Selene of course because they will get her respective endings.

Now from this report onward we intent to give you some trivia facts about our games and how we work, the first one is that Bob's real name is Bobart since Ankyor (he worked since the begining and quit about a year ago) didn't get the Bob is short for Bobert so in the end we left Bobart as Bob's canon name.

Now I'll go back to work!

Have a nice day!


New body, new life download (Bonus game)

Hello guys! Version 0.1 of New body, new life is up! For a version 0.1 is on the big side, NBNL will follow the adventures of a nameless man inside the body of Nicole Miller, a hooker without aspirations beside having sex with many guys.  Now you are in control of Nicole's life and our nameless protagonist will have to face the bad decisions that Nicole made in her life.
At the moment the game has over 200 images and a basic interface (not 100% default) this game as we said many times is a test for Lust Colony, but it was really fun to make any kind of feedback would be appreciated for the future of NBNL or Lust Colony. I really hope you like it so I have an excuse to keep working on this one.

Max stats at the end of the game
Corruption = 2
Elizabeth = 1
Lisa = 1
Sharon = 0
Sienna = 2
Rebecca = 2
Helen= 1*  To get this you need 1 or less corruption.
Oscar = 1
Mya = 1
Samantha = 1
Julie = 1
Eric = 0


Windows:  workupload - mediafire - mega
Mac: workupload - mediafire - mega

miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2019

Weekly progress report

Hello guys, it is finally happening! Lust Vessel's new version is coming out around the next Wednesday (I'll post a more exact detail during the weekend). I'm not really sure what is coming first, our next progress report or version 0.14. In any case, you will have it next week :D

In relations to the polls at the moment we have 2 active polls, first we have our poll to decide our next ending (here), at the moment Myra girlfriend is wining, if that option wins we will advance in other endings too, since we would only need one scene and one bonus for the epilogue, but there is plenty of time to vote and Erika is relatively close, so she might take the lead during this week. For our officers poll in relation to Lust Colony's third character (here), we are deciding her body type, but there are two options tied at the moment, petite and petite futanari, so if this ends in a tie Agrosan will make a petite valaki with and without penis so the rest of you decide what will be her in game appearance.

For this week we also have news for everyone, on Friday we will have another version of our popularity survey and NBNL will be out for everyone next Tuesday.

This was a short but packed report,

I hope you have a nice day!


Weekly progress report

Hello guys!! Is time for our weekly progress report. We have lots of stuff for this week and we had lots of thing last week too, let's r...