miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Weekly progress report

Hello guys, welcome to our last progress report before version 0.10 (hopefully) we are adding the last scenes to the game, but we had some trouble, Agrosan drawing tablet wont recognize a stop on it, so we are hopping it's just a software problem with an easy fix otherwise the release will be for the next week, since it's still working but he said it will take double the amount of time.  If everything goes back to normal version 0.10 will be releasing this weekend.

Now to our typical announcements, the last poll for version 0.10 was to decide what will the catgirl hooker do to Kate, the results are that she will use a strap on on Kate ass and she will also give Kate a good spanking. And for time concerns this version will have only the low lust version of Slimy's intro where Kate will reject her, Also the new area will be divided in two, we want the red light district to be a big area, so version 0.11 will have more of the red light district.

In semi related news we added a link to the guide in our intro page (here) so all of you can get all the scenes you need, we will keep the guide updated for the new releases. I hope that between this guide and the markers is enough but if you think that we need another guide we will try to make another.
And finally we want to let you know this week is our world summit, this is the time when I see Agrosan in persons, since he lives at the other side of our country (it really isn't a world summit). But during the next progress report we will have many new ideas to share with you!

I hope you have a nice week! We will be trying to make Agrosan's tablet to work again.


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Weekly progress report

Hello guys!! Is time for our weekly progress report. We have lots of stuff for this week and we had lots of thing last week too, let's r...